One of the most interesting aspects to “New Journalism” is that facts don’t matter anymore. All that matters is propaganda. These guys still run their award ceremonies and pat themselves on the back and tell themselves how wonderful they are, and yet, much of what constitutes journalism today is not what it was.

A common technique to this mainstream fake news is to write a story on the current crisis in the Middle East, the nightmare unfolding in Gaza, this intentional genocide I have called before. The piece reads as a copy of a government press release, and articulates an official point of view, and then after whatever “message” has been delivered, the newspaper covers themselves and says, “the facts of this article have not been independently verified.” What a disgrace. Old Journalism would never have printed the story at all, because the facts were not verified. This shows the descent of mainstream media into the gutter of fake news.

The facts are even more important during a time of war. During the last two years, the mainstream Western media has treated every single Russian broadcast on the conflict in the Donbas region as ‘fake news,’ but have none done the same for reports straight from US intelligence agencies or the Israeli Defense Force. These articles receive bold print and widespread coverage but they usually come with the disclaimer.

It is important to verify the facts. We live in a time when everyone seems keen to do that except when it challenges our assumptions or our political positions. These last few conflicts have exposed the hypocrisy of so many in the West who claim to want the facts but when presented with them, simply reject them as facts that they have no wish to accept.

In the same way, it is important to verify the facts about Jesus. The Bible presents us with the way Jesus was understood by many who knew him. The Bible reveals exactly who they were convinced his was, and it challenges our assumptions and expectations. We expect others to accept our pronouns but we have no interest in accepting his. We demand of others that they speak to us with our pronouns but when faced with how the Bible speaks of him, many of us completely reject the way Jesus spoke of himself and the way he is presented. We live in a world where our identity is King, and yet we have no interest in the King and his identity. Such is our world.

Read today about the pronouns of God through the identity of Jesus.

Remember, freedom matters today, because you matter to God.

Michael J. Sutton


One response to “Is Jesus God?”

  1. Wonderful our great Creator has time for us! What love.!!!The writers of the NT were aware of what they were writing thats for sure.

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